John Danner— as consultant, speaker, professor and writer — has spent decades helping leaders and their organizations navigate rapidly changing environments to their advantage.
John brings a rare blend of senior-level experience plus broad industry perspectives to every engagement. He advises Fortune 500 companies as well as startups in fields as diverse as healthcare, energy, finance, enterprise services, technology, and consumer products. A frequent keynoter at conferences and corporate events, he anchors executive education programs on five continents. John is the co-author of WSJ and Amazon bestselling books, and teaches tomorrow’s leaders at UC Berkeley and Princeton.
Connect with John—and learn more about how he helps create value for customers, investors, and society—here.

John Danner, JD, MPH, MEd
Interview with Guy Raz on #Wisdomfromthetop... listen here
WSJ-bestseller Built for Growth... take the quiz
Amazon-bestseller The Other "F" Word... download a free chapter
Whether he is delivering a keynote, moderating a panel or leading a workshop, John Danner delivers—with audiences large and small, in public and private settings, in the US and around the world. ... read more
John’s consulting practice is eclectic—reflecting the breadth of his background, the scope of his curiosity and the fact that his clients find him by word of mouth. In his direct, engaging and collegial style, John... read more